Title: Brown Sash
Time: 11.00-3.00
Venue: Holy Trinity Academy, Teece Drive, Telford, TF2 9SQ
Coaches: Master Russell plus Lau Gar Guardians
Course Objective
By the end of the course, students will have a greater understanding of the required standard for performing Lau Gar techniques in order to be successful at the 1st Degree Black Sash Grading.
Content covered by 1st workshop MODULE 1 will be: Walks (not including kicking combinations) Jumping Kicks... Hand and Kick blocks, Key Boon Sau Fa, Jong Sau, Charp Choi, Lau Gar Luk Hap Kuen.
Open to Purple sashes and above. The course is free to any Black sash who wishes to attend.
Please contact Pete Hornby to book your place