Saturday 28th April 2007 - Gloucester
A course on the training and use of the straight, double edged sword.
The course was taught by Guardian John Russell and assisted by Guardian Morag Quirk.
There were 30 people in attendance from the Midlands and South West Region.
The day began with a series of stance training drills covering the basic stances involved in the set. Following the stance training, the fundamental movements of the straight sword were taught in short sequences. After lunch the sequences were put together to form the Shaolin Dragon Sword Set.
The day concluded with a presentation and certificates were awarded for successful completion.
All those that took part thoroughly enjoyed the course.
Guardian Courses
Guardian courses are well worth attending as they offer the opportunity to learn a new skill which is not part of the standard syllabus. The courses are open to all BKFA members of all grades. Most courses are accompanied with an Instructional DVD which will aid you in practice following the course. For further details of Guardian Courses in your area please see the calendar page.